1. The Walk:
The walk down to the slug line is actually kind of nice. Unless I'm in a huge rush, it's raining, or it's extremely hot out. But you know...otherwise. I usually walk pretty fast so it's a little exercise after sitting in front of a computer all day, and S usually walks with me so we make jokes and talk about the day. We're basically a couple. An odd couple. If opposites attract...
2. The Buildings:
Checking out all the old, historic, important buildings that I pass to and from work. I didn't used to really look, but then someone asked me where some important building was and I honestly had no idea. So I started looking around more and taking in the scenery, and I really love some of the architecture.
3. The W:
I know the one above this is about buildings, but I will specifically miss walking past the Willard Hotel on 13th and Pennsylvania every day. It's just so pretty. I want to go inside and wander around or just stand outside and stare at it and wait for Albert Haynesworth dare to come back, or someone more important pull up in a black sedan or limo. I always see important-looking cars around it, and cop cars, and I just want to walk up and ask who's staying there. I know Beyonce stayed there last year. Sigh.
4. My Carpool:
5. My favorite morning drivers:
6. No Metro:
The walk down to the slug line is actually kind of nice. Unless I'm in a huge rush, it's raining, or it's extremely hot out. But you know...otherwise. I usually walk pretty fast so it's a little exercise after sitting in front of a computer all day, and S usually walks with me so we make jokes and talk about the day. We're basically a couple. An odd couple. If opposites attract...
2. The Buildings:
Checking out all the old, historic, important buildings that I pass to and from work. I didn't used to really look, but then someone asked me where some important building was and I honestly had no idea. So I started looking around more and taking in the scenery, and I really love some of the architecture.
3. The W:

I know the one above this is about buildings, but I will specifically miss walking past the Willard Hotel on 13th and Pennsylvania every day. It's just so pretty. I want to go inside and wander around or just stand outside and stare at it and wait for Albert Haynesworth dare to come back, or someone more important pull up in a black sedan or limo. I always see important-looking cars around it, and cop cars, and I just want to walk up and ask who's staying there. I know Beyonce stayed there last year. Sigh.
4. My Carpool:
Occasionally I ride with a carpool in the afternoon when our schedules match up. Sometimes it's nice to get picked up a few blocks from my office so that I don't have to risk it being a bad day at the slug line and have to wait there for 20 minutes to get a ride. And they're pretty entertaining, too. Yesterday when she picked me up she greeted me with, "Hello sunshine!" How can you not like that?
5. My favorite morning drivers:
I've become attached to some of the drivers for my location. Not all of them, but my select favorites I will miss. It's a comfort-zone thing.
6. No Metro:
I hate the Metro, especially during rush hour. This just means I'll probably end up becoming the driver sooner rather than later. But we will see.
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