Next week, I will be starting a new job in Crystal City. Don't worry! I can still slug! (If this is the first and only post you have read, refer to
this post to understand).That's literally everyone's first or second concern when they hear my new job is in Crystal City. "But...can you still
slug?" It's typically genuine concern (although one of my coworkers had a more sarcastic tone to it...he is skeptical of slugging and shall remain nameless) and I choose to interpret their concern to mean that they love reading my blog so much that their day would be less entertaining without it. Or maybe they just enjoy overhearing my morning story time with S where we exchange any funny slugging stories across cubicles loud enough for the entire sparsely populated office to hear. Since I only have like 8 followers. Or maybe modesty isn't my best trait and they are just concerned about me being able to continue slugging for financial reasons. Since right now I pay nothing for my commute. Nah, genuine concern for my finances? I'm going with the first reason.
To summarize, yes I will be slugging still. The only difference is in the afternoon, it doesn't appear that drivers from Crystal City go to my slug lot where I park in the morning. So while I can slug from the morning lot to Crystal City, I will need to metro to the Pentagon and slug from there in the afternoon. Not a big deal. And I'm sure I will still shave at least 15 minutes off of my commute since I won't be sitting in any 14th street traffic! Perhaps I'll transition into the slug driver in the near future...that'd be interesting.
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