I was riding in with a driver I've ridden with many times before who is very nice, has a spacious car and plays some weird music fairly loudly--but I don't mind because she's pleasant and I can put my headphones in if I want. She was friends with the other guy who got in the car with us (referenced this guy in the previous post, as well) and they were talking about some unpleasant experiences they'd had with one particular man who goes to the same destination as all of us so she has driven him before.
I don't know how it started because I wasn't really paying attention to their conversation, but after I got bored with
She went on to explain her encounters with him, one of which involved him questioning HOW she was going to take three riders if she had a CARSEAT, in a disapproving tone. She said that she just looked at him and said, "three" again. (She's one of the generous drivers who will always offer to take 3.) They both went on telling stories of some of the rude things he's done in line, and after the first comment I had an idea of who it was, but didn't want to say anything. It got

It was amusing to me that there's someone who is that rude that everyone knows him in the line and tries to avoid him. He's That Guy. He blatantly turns around and stares at me in a judgmental way whenever I approach the afternoon slug line (yes, I see him in the afternoon and the morning on many occasions). I've literally brought my hands up in an inquisitive manner so as to say, "Is there a problem?!" and turned to S in the line next to me like, is he kidding? Because he just stares at me, and looks me up and down like, what's she doing here. I'm always tempted to say something. He's stood so close to me before when I'm in front of him that I've had to inch forward towards the person in front of me to avoid his deep breathing. Another thing he likes to do is yell at people if they do the slightest thing wrong. "YES, they're going to the Pentagon!!" It's 7:30am buddy, give them a half a second to react. "SOMEone go check the cars!" The guy needs anger management or a chill pill or something.
Either way his demeanor, attitude and actions have given him a name for himself at the line. I always wonder if people notice and remember me in a certain way at the slug line (and other places too) but I hope they know me as "that short girl," "the girl who goes to 14th," or "the allergies girl," or something like that rather than "That.Girl."